Oven Roasted Organic Garlic Recipe

Oven Roasted Organic Garlic Recipe

Organic roasted garlic is delicious and nutritious.

From Simple Savory Recipes & Cooking Tips

This basic ingredient recipe is easy to prepare and to cook. You can roast extra garlic to use in your recipes throughout the week. Organic roasted garlic will last for a week in the refrigerator — simply store in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator and it will be ready for use whenever you need it.

Organic garlic is a tasty and nutritious addition to many dishes. When roasted, it becomes tender and amazingly sweet, thus organic roasted garlic is absolutely scrumptious eaten just as is — straight out of the oven while warm, literally melting in your mouth. Mmmmm… can’t you just taste it already?!?!

Roasted organic garlic makes a very versatile topping or add-in to salads and other sides like rice dishes and potatoes. It is also a flavorful addition to a multitude of main dishes. It is particularly useful as an ingredient in quick cooking recipes, where the cooking time is not always lengthy enough to allow raw organic garlic to cook until soft and infuse flavor into the dish.

Oven Roasted Organic Garlic Recipe

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • 4 or more organic garlic heads, with all very loose skins peeled off
  • organic olive oil

Tools you’ll need:

  • glass baking dish or pie pan
  • cutting board
  • knife
  • preheated oven to 350°

Time you’ll need for prep, baking and securing for storage:

  • 1 ½ hours


1.) Slice 1/4″ off of the tops of each head of garlic.

2.) Place garlic heads top side up close together in baking dish and drizzle olive oil all over each head. Be sure that you drench each exposed clove.

3.) Bake in 350° oven 30 – 45 minutes or until soft when pressed. Can also poke small fork into clove to test softness.

4.) Remove from oven when done and let sit until garlic heads are cool to the touch.

Be forewarned, this next step is slightly messy because your fingers will get covered in olive oil. But that’s okay, if you’re the one doing this job you can snitch all the warm, roasted garlic you want And believe me, you’ll want to! 🙂

Once garlic is cool enough, gently peel outer layers of skin away from head. Then use a small fork or tip of a paring knife and a light squeeze with fingers to carefully remove each clove from skin. Use your paring knife to make a vertical slice in skin if needed to help remove cloves. Many cloves will simply slip right on out when gently squeezed from the bottom.

When you are finished with step 4, you will have a lovely, fragrant pile of delicious organic roasted garlic cloves (providing you didn’t eat them all as you were peeling them! 🙂 )

5.) Use in recipes as desired and place the balance in a glass jar to be stored in your refrigerator up to 7 days for later use and consumption.

Curious about where to purchase organic garlic? We’ve got you covered. You can easily order it from our online Farmer’s Market, Garden Fresh Co-op. It will be delivered right to your front door, plus you can choose from all sorts of other fresh organic vegetables, fruits and herbs to be shipped direct to you too!

Just visit our website at: http://gardenfreshco-op.com, create your free account and follow the links for more information.

If you try out this recipe, we would love to read your Comments here about how you used the savory, roasted organic garlic in your fare.

Bon appétit!

Benefits of Drinking Coffee

From a Dr Mercola article from today

In this large study of nearly 50,000 men, researchers found men who drank six cups of coffee a day had a 60 percent lower risk of lethal prostate cancer, while those who drank three cups a day had a 30 percent lower risk. The benefits were thought to come from the non-caffeine components of coffee, which include multiple nutrients and flavonoid antioxidants.

Other studies, too, have shown a lower cancer risk among coffee drinkers. For instance, a Japanese study found that those who drank coffee daily, or close to it, had about half the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a type of liver cancer, than people who never drank coffee. Other research has also linked coffee with lower rates of:

Type 2 diabetes
Parkinson’s disease
Heart rhythm problems

Is Coffee Good for You?

I have previously said that coffee is better off avoided, but some new revelations have changed my stance on this somewhat.

In an interview I recently conducted with Ori Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet, The Anti-Estrogenic Diet, Maximum Muscle Minimum Fat — and a self-proclaimed coffee enthusiast who has researched coffee extensively — you can hear the details of why coffee may be of therapeutic benefit.

Please realize that the warnings against the use of caffeine are well-warranted, because in and of itself it can be quite toxic. However, like so many other natural substances, when it comes to the whole food, in this case the coffee bean as opposed to the isolated caffeine, the converse is oftentimes true.

For instance, recent research, which Ori has written about in his upcoming book, Unlocking the Muscle Gene, has shown that coffee, which can trigger glutamate reuptake inhibition, ALSO triggers a mechanism in your brain that releases a growth factor called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).

BDNF activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, and also expresses itself in your muscles. It does this by supporting the neuromotor, which is the most critical element in your muscle. Without the neuromotor, your muscle is like an engine without ignition… Neuro-motor degradation is part of the process that explains age-related muscle atrophy.

So in this respect caffeine from natural, whole coffee may help keep your brain and muscle tissue young.

There is also reason to believe that coffee could help curb your sugar cravings. One of the reasons why you get addicted to a food is because your brain has opioid receptors. They’re part of a primordial reward system that helps you detect, select and enjoy eating fresh foods over rancid ones.

Today, however, we live in a world of plenty, surrounded by processed foods that are typically loaded with sugar, which has led our addictive opioid receptors to become addicted to the wrong foods.

There are a few compounds called opioid receptor antagonists. That means once they occupy the receptors, they prohibit you from being addicted to something else. Coffee is an opioid receptor antagonist, meaning caffeine can bind to your opioid receptors and may attenuate the addictive impact of another substance. So, all in all, it appears coffee may have some valuable redeeming benefits, but there are some important caveats.

Be Careful and ONLY Consume Coffee this Way to Maximize Health Benefits

Most coffee produced today is heavily contaminated with pesticides. It’s actually one of the most heavily sprayed crops grown. So, any coffee you consume should be organic, pesticide-free coffee. You also want only high-quality coffee beans that have been properly dried and roasted, and you’ll want to grind them yourself to prevent rancidity.

Ori explains:

“Basically, if you have a quality coffee bean, even the roasted one, you get multiple nutrients and flavonoid antioxidants. You can detect the quality of the coffee by taste and smell … rancidity can be detected immediately. A coffee that doesn’t have a good aroma or taste is most likely stale and useless.”

Another important caveat is to drink your coffee black, without sugar or cream. Add sugar and you’ll certainly ruin any of the benefits discussed above by spiking your insulin and causing insulin resistance.

Finally, only drink coffee prior to exercise, not after.

When used before exercise, coffee will give you a good boost. However, it affects your muscles similarly to exercise itself. It increases the energy expenditure by your muscle while inhibiting the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) — the mechanism that increases protein synthesis in your muscle.

What that means is that coffee, similar to exercise, actually inhibits the inherent mechanism that builds your muscle, which is why you should avoid it after a workout. (You do not build muscle while exercising. Muscle building occurs afterward.)

Eat This Food for a Sun-Kissed Glow

From arcamax.com

Eating a balanced diet that includes about five daily servings of fruits and veggies can give you a healthy, sun-kissed glow. A new study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior suggests that consuming more carotenoids—orange and yellow pigments found in foods including red and yellow peppers, carrots, spinach and other dark leafy greens—can create an au naturel tan. “Carotenoids are thought to be stored in the fat under the skin, and are also secreted through the pores, where they are then absorbed back into the top layer of the skin, giving it a golden color,” explains study author Ian Stephen, Ph.D., now at the University of Nottingham. If you already eat five portions of fruits and vegetables, though, adding another five (or loading up on only carrots) won’t necessarily give you a more radiant flush. It may, in fact, make you too yellow or orange, warns Stephen.

Out with the pyramid .. in with the plate!

Even the government now says “Eat more veggies!” New government recommendations say HALF of your plate should be filled with veggies and fruits. But we already knew that, didn’t we?? 🙂

Ideally, of course, those veggies and fruits should be ORGANIC.

Even better yet, Organic Acres ships those organic veggies and fruits direct to your door!

Four Pillars of Healthy Eating

I am a novice Mississippi Master Gardner as well as Pioneer Member of My Organic Acres. Both allow me to enjoy raising produce in my back yard using organic methods as well as having Organic Products delivered direct to my front door. Additionally, I enjoy finding and reading about the healthy eating path.

The Commercial Appeal, the local Memphis, TN Paper, Wednesday, May 18, food section enlightened me about Vegan options and pointed out the differences between a vegan and a vegetarian… I now know vegans avoid animal products like meat, eggs, and dairy items. The writer pointed out that it’s the dairy that separates the vegans from the vegetarians. There was a nice article “Fire Up Grill for Salads, Starters – Even Desserts” also; where Lauren Chattman stated, “Don’t walk away: These items are ready in 10 minutes.”

A recent email provided me with information about Four Pillars of Healthy Eating offered by WHOLE FOODS, where you can also find the highest quality Natural and Organic Products if there is a store near you. Whole Foods’ links to the four pillars of healthy eating can help guide your journey and get you started on a healthy eating path.

Eat whole, unprocessed foods. We believe that food in its purest state — unadulterated by artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives — is the best tasting and most nutritious food available.

Eat a colorful variety of plants. No matter what type of diet you follow — including those with dairy, meat or seafood — reconfigure your plate so the majority of each meal is created from an abundance of raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, legumes and beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Eat healthy fats. Get healthy fats from whole plant sources, such as nuts, seeds and avocados. These foods are rich in micronutrients as well. Work to eliminate (or minimize) extracted oils and processed fats.

Eat nutrient dense foods. Choose foods that are rich in micronutrients when compared to their total caloric content. Micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals. For guidance on this, look for Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) scoring system in our stores.

Eight Veggie Kingdoms

I read a recent Burpee Newsletter where they declared this the “Year of the Vegetable” and listed the following eight Kingdoms giving a brief statement about each.

Bulb vegetables are aromatic vegetables that are used to flavor a variety of dishes including, soups, casseroles and stews. Some bulb vegetables are also known for their medicinal uses. Many people store bulb vegetables over the winter months due to their long shelf life.

Fresh fruited vegetables provide you with the satisfaction of growing, picking and eating nutritious garden fresh vegetables. The rich taste of a sun-warmed, vine-ripened tomato or that sweet savory crisp flavor of a pepper are just a couple of the many joys awaiting the home vegetable gardener.

Inflorescent Vegetables are typically clusters of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches including flowers, flower buds, and their associated stems and leaves, eaten as vegetables.  Inflorescent vegetables are packed with nutritious value and are often used in casseroles, steamed as a side dish or served raw as an accompaniment on salads.

Leafy Vegetables, also called potherbs, green vegetables, greens, or leafy greens, are easy-to-grow plant leaves that can be prepared raw, cooked or sautéed and eaten as a vegetable.  Although leafy vegetables come from a wide variety of plants, most share a great deal with other leaf vegetables in nutrition and cooking methods.

Podded Vegetables, beans and peas, tend to be a cool season crop grown in many parts of the country; planting can take place from late winter to early summer depending on location.  The podded vegetable may be used fresh, in salads, frozen, as a snack or canned, ready for those winter meals.

Root vegetables such as beets, carrots and radishes, generally store energy in the form of carbohydrates.  They differ in the concentration and the balance between sugars, starches, and other types of carbohydrate. Of particular economic importance are those with a high carbohydrate concentration in the form of starch.  Starchy root vegetables are important staple foods and provide the daily vitamins and nutrition needed in balancing our diets.

Tuberous Vegetables have an enlarged tip or “tuber” which is an underground stem.  The plant uses this tip to store food. Tuber vegetables, like the sweet potato and potato have long served and still serve as a vegetable staple in many cuisines.  Tuberous Vegetables are rich in carbohydrates.

Stalk Vegetables, very simply put, are vegetables with an edible stalk or stem.  Asparagus, Celery, Chard, Rhubarb and Kohlrabi are a few examples of Stalk Vegetables.  These vegetables are typically used for adding flavor to casseroles, stews and meat dishes as well as a steamed side dish.

Here’s a link to an article by George Ball you might enjoy: “We, The Vegetables. . .”

Pesticides and the Food We Eat

More information about Pesticides from Dr. Weil along with a guide to help us make better choices from Foodmatters.  Here are two links for you to find out more about Dr. Weil on EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides

Dr. Weil on EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides


“The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides is a key resource for consumers looking for healthier low toxin diets. Since many shoppers can’t always find or afford organic produce, they can use the Shopper’s Guide to avoid those conventional fruits and vegetables found to be highest in pesticides – the Dirty Dozen – and, instead, choose items from the Clean Fifteen list. The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure.

Use the Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides to reduce your exposure as much as possible, because eating conventionally-grown produce is far better than not eating fruits and vegetables at all. The Shopper’s Guide will help you determine which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues and so are the most important to buy organic. You can lower your pesticide consumption by nearly four-fifths by avoiding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables and instead eating the least contaminated produce, according to EWG calculations.”

The Obedient Onion

As a reader of the whole food blog I found the following about onions and wanted to share… read the blog here http://blog.wholefoodsmarket.com/2011/03/the-obedient-onion/

The Obedient Onion by Alana Sugar, March 9th, 2011

There are some foods in this world you either love or hate. And then there are some foods that fall into both categories. Take onions, for example. Not too long ago I had a conversation with someone about eating healthier. When I suggested sautéing onions with garlic and adding some leafy greens, they turned up their nose and said, “No way! I hate onions, unless it’s onion rings or bloomin’ with honey mustard; then I love ‘em!”

While onions sometimes get a bad rap — being blamed for everything from crying to bad breath to refrigerator odors — I, for one, would not want to live in an onion-free world. Whether grilled, baked, sautéed or raw, these obedient vegetables will turn a good dish into a great dish! Not only do they complement just about any salad, soup, stew, salsa or savory dish, they are plenty versatile and are packed with flavonoids (a type of polyphenol and antioxidant) that may provide important health benefits. Remember, antioxidants are found abundantly in fruits and veggies; they help support the cells of our body by slowing down the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and preventing free radicals. Like most vegetables, onions are low in calories, fat free, cholesterol free and low in sodium.

When you shop for fresh onions, you’re bound to find a few varieties. That’s because onions are classified as either spring/summer or fall/winter. They are considered either “green” or “dry.” Green onions, such as scallions, are harvested while the shoots are young, tender and green. Dry onions can be red (or purple), white or yellow; they are harvested once their shoots have died and they’ve formed their paper-like skin. Even a shallot is a dry onion of the fall/winter variety. The spring/summer varieties of dry onions, such as Vidalia, Maui or Walla Walla, are sweeter and they don’t keep as long as other dry varieties.

Fresh onions aren’t your only option. You’ll find dehydrated, powdered, granulated and mixed-dried blends that all can add depth of flavor to many dishes.

Here are some favorite ways to use onions:

You Need 10 Servings of Vegetables to Equal Just One Serving from 50 Years Ago!

Several excerpts from a very informative email I just received – by Jeannette Leduc at OrganicsPlus

You Need 10 Servings of Vegetables to Equal Just One Serving from 50 Years Ago!1

  • Just One of the Vital Minerals Lost was Regulating More than 300 Critical Body Functions.
  • The Same Thing Is Happening to Your Fruit.
  • And, It’s Getting Worse…

These days, the produce you buy at your local grocery store just doesn’t have the nutritional power that fruits and vegetables had just a few decades ago. Over farming, soil depletion, commercial fertilizer, hybrid crops and genetic modifications are slashing the nutrients found in your fruits and vegetables.

You’d have to eat 10 servings of spinach to get the same level of minerals from just one serving about 50 years ago.2

Producers create “hybrid” forms of your fruits and vegetables – not for their ability to store nutrients – but for their color, weight and shelve life. Why? So they’ll look nice and pretty when they sit under the fluorescent lights of your supermarket.

You may think they look nutritious, but “under the hood,” they contain little more than indigestible cellulose, sugar and water…..(snip)

Your Food Supply has Changed:
You’re Eating Fruit with No Vitamins… Vegetables with No Minerals…

We first began to know that there was a problem back in 1936. A group of doctors introduced Document No. 264 to the floor of the United States Senate. It was a dire warning that the mineral content of the soil was eroding. Vegetables were losing their power and people were at risk. Unfortunately Congress did nothing.

Today, we’re feeling the effects…

For instance, just look at the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) nutritional values for fruits and vegetables today compared to 1975.3

Take a look at the loss of vitamins and minerals Since 1975:

  • Apples, vitamin A is down 41%
  • Sweet peppers, vitamin C is down 31%
  • Watercress, iron is down 88%
  • Broccoli, Calcium and vitamin A are down 50%
  • Cauliflower, vitamin C is down 45%; vitamin B1 is down 48%; and vitamin B2 is down 47%
  • Collards greens, vitamin A is down 45%; potassium is down 60%; and magnesium is down 85%

According to USDA’s own numbers, the vitamin and mineral content has dramatically plummeted – in just 30 years!

Notice minerals like iron and magnesium have dropped by more than 80 percent. That’s from commercial farming technology and powerful fertilizers that practically sterilize the soil – leaving it with little to no mineral content.

If the soil doesn’t have minerals, there’s no way for vegetables to absorb them.

And that’s bad news for your health… Magnesium regulates over 300 body functions every day and is so critical to heart health and healthy glucose metabolism.*

But the story doesn’t end there. I wasn’t the only one to realize your fruits and vegetables don’t pack the nutritional punch they used to… A report from the University of Texas in Austin, also tracked the decline of nutrients in produce.

They reported findings at a recent meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in St. Louis. They found significant drops in a wide range of produce across the board, including a  20 percent decline in vitamin C and a 38 percent plunge in vitamin B2.

What’s worse, fruit and vegetable growers create “hybrids” for the sake of making their produce “look better.” They actually create new versions of all your favorites so they have more water, more sugar, more pith (The indigestible support tissue like the white fibrous netting around an orange section) and less of everything else.

Growers call this the “dilution effect.” For them, more water and more pith helps their produce ship well, look good and weigh a lot. But it virtually wipes out their vitamin and mineral content.

The plunge in nutrients in your produce over the last 30 to 50 years is bad enough. But it is rapidly getting much worse. Genetic hybrids are pushing nutrient values even lower.

A popular broccoli hybrid called “Marathon” is an alarming example:

By the USDA’s own admission, levels of calcium and magnesium in the Marathon hybrid are 35 percent lower than other hybrids. The hybrids themselves are 50 percent lower in calcium and magnesium than “normal” broccoli. And the “normal” broccoli has less than half the calcium and magnesium than broccoli did in 1975!

In less than 50 years, the mineral, vitamin and antioxidant value native to fruits and vegetables has been virtually “destroyed” – robbing you of the natural vital nutrients you need every day….(snip)

You Have Over 280 Deadly Chemicals and Toxins Flowing through Your Blood – And they’ve Been there Since the Day You Were Born…

Living in the 21st century affords you many luxuries. High-speed computers… cell phones… air conditioning and plasma TVs… but the chemicals and industrial solvents that make them possible are poisonous. And they’re flowing through your blood as you read this letter.

In 2005, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group published the results of a sobering study. After analyzing the blood of newborn babies from around the country, they discovered 287 chemicals and other toxins.5 One of the pesticides that turned up the most was a by-product of DDT – a pesticide banned in 1972.

They also found:

  • 76 chemicals that damage cells in humans and animals.
  • 94 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.
  • 79 that are toxic to a developing fetus.

At this point in history, we’re being poisoned before we take our first breath! But this is not limited to newborns. Not too long ago, PBS aired a Bill Moyers special called “Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report.” In it, Bill Moyers volunteered to have his blood and urine tested for chemical and toxic threats.6

The results were not surprising: Eighty-four distinct chemicals, solvents and toxins that are known to be harmful to your health. These chemical residues – termed the “chemical body burden” – are present in every human being on this planet, regardless of where you live or what you do.

Dr. Michael McCally of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, who led the research team for the Bill Moyers report made this comment: “Current ‘normal’ body burdens of dioxin and several other [chemicals] in humans are at or near the range at which toxic effects occur in laboratory animals.”

The message is clear: Studies on animals show that the average person is carrying enough toxins to cause serious DNA damage…..(snip)

To Your Good Health,

Jesse Cannone

1 Heinrich, Elmer. The Root of All Disease.
2 Heinrich, Elmer. The Root of All Disease.
3 Vegetables without Vitamins. Life Extension Magazine. March 2001.
4 Better than Vitamins. Newsweek. April 25, 1994.
5 Environmental Working Group. Body Burden – The Pollution in Newborns. July 14, 2005. http://www.ewg.org.
6 http://www.pbs.org/tradesecrets/problem/bodyburden.html

The facts presented above really explain why you need to grow your own food to control the variety and quality of seeds grown if you can grow a garden. If not, MyOrganicAcres provides a way for you to have a virtual garden grown for you organically from heritage seed varieties for maximum nutrition and flavour with the produce shipped fresh to you in a couple of days. As a free or basic member of MOA you also can purchase produce from a growing network of organic farms through the Farmer’s Market.

Broccoli a Super Veg

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) has been cultivated for over 2000 years. It is said to have been developed from the cabbage by the ancient Etruscans of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Broccoli only reached France around the 16th Century, and spread throughout Europe and the US around the 18th Century. It is only in recent years that it has not only been recognized as versatile vegetable but also appreciated for its excellent health benefits. Broccoli is actually an edible flower and not a true vegetable…

It contains excellent amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and K, folate and beta-carotene. Broccoli also contains a very good amount of manganese, tryptophan, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamins B2 and B6.  It has a good amount of calcium; one cup cooked broccoli contains 71.8 mg of calcium. Broccoli contains lesser amounts of most vitamins, minerals and aminos.

Health wise the folate is needed for the normal growth of the tissue and is good for pregnant women. The vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, helps prevent colds and aids with absorption of its iron content. Broccoli also contains the phytonutrients indoles and isothiocyanates, which many studies have linked to cancer prevention… It is also one of the few vegetables that contain cysteine and helps when there is a need, mainly with infants and the elderly, to augment l-cysteine levels in the body and help them, when required, to absorb nutrients from food. L-cysteine is also required by the body for collagen production and assisting in skin elasticity and texture. Broccoli is also useful in cataract prevention.

You can read more here…  http://thevegandiet.blogspot.com/2010/09/broccoli-super-veg.html